Sunday, May 22, 2011

When Searching Harry Met Happy Sally

"Everyone seems busy today." gasped a handsome and slendered figure Harry to a stranger named Ludy. Then Ludy answered unhesitantly, "Yes, they're putting up an enrichment training for the kids."

Along the children's genuine laughter, the nervousness written on their parents faces and the staffs' hands on guidance to the kids, there goes Sally, who was outstanding among the crowd. She puts a happy face in dealing with the parents and the kids. She was extending her lovely arms to a young boy who initially asked her to play with him. Hers was a world of explosive laughter and cranky yet clever jokes. Though, she can be sometimes considered as an ADHD, most importantly she found passion in what she's doing.

Then Harry elbowed and whispered to Ludy. " I want to know that girl with a beautiful smile." Then Ludy said to him, " I think you find happiness in my bestfriend's personality. Come with me, I'll let you know each other." Then Harry's eyes sparkled as he approach Sally's busy yet down-to-earth lifestyle.

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